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Creatine Monohydrate – the oldest and most well studied version of Creatine, Monohydrate is the most common version of Creatine seen on the market. It is safe, reliable and very effective at increasing muscle Creatine levels, performance and power output!


Creatine is a substance found in muscle that combines with phosphate to form creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate reacts with adenosine di-phosphate to regenerate adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP – stored energy) in working muscle. Dietary supplementation of creatine may increase the total creatine and creatine phosphate content of the muscle.


Researchers have found that muscle creatine phosphate levels drop significantly after the performance of a 300 meter run, which lasts 30 to 40 s suggesting that the lack of creatine phosphate may somehow limit performance during intense, short term exercise.


Thus, buffering of ATP by phosphocreatine extends the duration of activity possible and increasing creatine enhances endurance.

Primabolics Creatine


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